
1936 Ford Custom Coach Towncar Sedan Delivery

This 1936 Ford Towncar Delivery has been created from parts that have been collected over the last 40 years. You will hopefully have the opportunity to view it in it's first mock up stage, as pictured here, at the Early Ford V8 meet in Lake Tahoe, the middle of June.

We still have much to do to refine it to the stage of completion, but I have all the confidence that those of you who are experienced in the field of restoration, or design of fine automobiles will be pleased with what you see.

The 36 is being built as it could have been, back in the era that the 1936 Ford was originally conceived.

To go back and see where this project started, click here 1936 Ford Towncar Delivery


  1. This is an amazing car and all the work that Doug and Larry have gone to is very impressive. If Henry had thought to build it, he probably would have kept one for himself. Doug's sheetmetal abilities are by far the best that I have seen.
    Chris Nelson

  2. Chris,
    Thanks for the compliment. Larry and I are quite excited about how the car is coming together.


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