
1958 Style Hot Rod 1936 Ford Cabriolet

By using only parts that were available in 1958 and prior, we created a hot rod from this 1936 Ford, that is Pure and correct for the 1958 Theme. The engine is an August 1957 Corvette FI 283ci. All accessories are date correct to that engine. Fittings and fasteners are also correct. Yes the generator is a Corvette generator and the voltage regulator is date/application correct too. The attention to detail on this car is unsurpassed. The top material was saved from 70 years ago. It is correct to the car. The drive train consists of a 39 trans with NOS Zephyr gears. The Columbia two speed rear end makes this car very functional at highway speeds and beyond.

The wheels are early 1950's Streemlite trailer wheels. They were originally rough cast wheels but polish up quite nicely for a refined car like this one. The bolt pattern is correct for Ford. The 1940 Ford dash sports all the original gauges, ash trays, and knobs although the knobs now control all the systems in this car. A lot of modifications in the controls and fabrication was required to attain this. You can see more pictures of this in the Rod & Custom Feature article that can be accessed by clicking on the link to My Featured Restorations on the left side of my page here.

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